Player information
Name:-kala-  FI
Team:Team Kalaverkko
Created:2017-02-16 23:12:23
Looking for team:no
Experience:63, elite
Autoplay level:
Left during game:0%
Last online:10 months ago
Free text:kalezki = little monkey + jehova
Basic statistics
team goals  assists  total +/-
(training matches) 1595+ 5165= 6760 +3960
Griffins 57+ 255= 312 +142
hokcey club kollajaa stobesta 0+ 0= 0 0
Team Kalaverkko 14+ 75= 89 +87
(total) 1666+ 5495= 7161 +4189
Puck possession etc.
team possession assists lost scored goalie errors received
(training matches) 30% 64% 28% 1% 3% 1% 60% 39% 56:43
Griffins 22% 68% 27% 0% 1% 1% 65% 34% 55:44
hokcey club kollajaa stobesta --% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0:0
Team Kalaverkko 24% 67% 28% 0% 2% 1% 59% 40% 57:42
(total) 29% 65% 28% 1% 3% 1% 60% 39% 56:43

Possession percent indicates how much this player has been controlling the puck while the team has had it.
Transfer percents indicate where the puck has gone from this player.
Receive percents tell how many percents of the received pucks this player has got from the own team, and how much from the opposing team.
The last column indicates the proportion between stealing puck from the opponent and losing it to the opponent.

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